Cosmic Conversations with Sarah R. Adams - Geraldine Orozco

Cosmic Conversations with Sarah R. Adams by Sarah R. Adams

Episode notes

Welcome, Bay Area Meditation was founded in 2009 with a vision to create accessible and simple meditation programs for companies in the silicon valley. A former CEO and entrepreneur Geraldine Orozco realized that meditation was an integral part of her success in business, relationships and her spiritual journey.

Geraldine grew up in the San Francisco Bay area to a caring and loving family. She began her meditation practice at the age of 15 under the mentor ship of her father. After attending FIDM she embarked as an Interior Designer, International Flight attendant and then entered the corporate world within the telecom industry. Once introduced to the import/export industry as well as event management, Geraldine fell in love with the business and decided to invest in event rental assets. She funded many investments until she found success ... 

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consciousnessstarseedascensionmultidimensionalmeditationregressiondna reprogramminghybrid motherhealer