Super Soldiers & Super StarSeeds Compare Experiences with Jean-Charles Moyen, Randy Cramer & Elena Danaan

Cosmic Brilliance by Merrily Milmoe

Episode notes

This show's PURPOSE is for Captain Jean-Charles of SSP to have a one-time opportunity to share his experiences with Captain Randy Cramer and have Randy respond in like manner.

*Jean-Charles Moyen, is a Captain in the French Secret Space Program and a 'Super Starseed’ who, for 20 years worked with multiple species in the Galactic Federation and on the Solar Warden fleet; protecting the galaxy from invaders. He has traveled through the galaxy using Time Travel & Teleportation. Today you’ll be surprised to find out Who he really is! Super Soldier Capt.

*Randy Cramer, U.S. Marine Corps, special sections, did a 30-year tour of duty and is still active. 17 years were with Mars Defense Force (MDF) & 13 years with Earth Defense Force (EDF); protecting earth & our solar system.

*Elena Danaan is here to assist and share a bit; ... 

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cosmicbrillianceelena danaanrandy cramerjean charles moyen