Accessing Abilities: Guided Journey & Galactic Support with Leslie Anne & Elena Danaan

Cosmic Brilliance by Merrily Milmoe

Episode notes

Leslie Anne guides you through a simple 3-step "quick starter" process to Access Your Awakening Abilities & Contact your ‘Higher Self’. She teaches how to ask your Higher Self specific questions in a particular way & gives exact instructions to communicate with your ‘Higher Self’ instantly. What does Awakening mean? etc…

Elena Danaan clarifies truth & confusion regarding the new 2022 ‘Photon Cloud’ we’re entering Now, how it effects our DNA, & how it changes our mental, emotional & spiritual levels. She clarifies terms such as Light years, Photon, Photon Belt/Band, Golden Nebula pockets like this for Higher Consciousness? Did we fall from 5th Density to 3rd Density originally & now working our way back to ... 

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cosmicbrillianceelena danaanleslie anne