
(RE-RELEASE) The Batman Is A Masterpiece + Kenobi Has Us Worried

Close Up with Ryan and Joe by Thought Plane Media

Episode notes
A re-release to improve audio quality.Enjoy Ryan and I nerding out about The Batman! But don't expect us to cut the film slack for its few flaws!Next: a review of the new Kenobi trailer. Our hype-level is through the roof. Although what we've seen has inspired some worry...1:00:26 Kenobi teaser trailer discussionORIGINALLY RELEASED Mar 28, 2022Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/3-FjFcOY18sRead TPM's Behind-the-scenes breakdown here: https://www.thoughtplane.ca/2022/04/06/tpms-merry-march-news-update-2022/ Please consider supporting us on PATREON here: https://www.patreon.com/ThoughtplanemediaFAC ...   ...  Read more
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