Worship Whatnot 5: Why We Print

Christ In All Things by Pastors Lance O'Donnell and Jason Schockman

Episode notes

Family life has all kinds of “unintended consequences.” For example, you may walk the path together in one way for years and then have to take a different route because of construction… and discover a new and fascinating path. Something analogous happened at St. Paul’s in 2022. After years of struggling with a sound system that didn’t work well in our acoustical environment, a new line array speaker was installed that significantly improved things. Installation of the new speaker required taking down an old projection screen that was used primarily for the order of worship at our 10:30 service. We needed to print the order of service while we figured out what to do with projection. The unintended consequence was a discovery of significant advantages to printing the service. Worship Whatnot 5: Why We Print is a discussion of the pros and  ... 

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