2023 Advent-Christmas Preview

Christ In All Things by Pastors Lance O'Donnell and Jason Schockman

Episode notes

This November-December (2023) is an interesting time. On the world stage there are disturbing wars in Ukraine and in Israel. There is metaphorical saber-rattling for the 2024 presidential election. There’s much about which to be concerned. But here, in our Christ In All Things 2023 Advent-Christmas Preview, we preview the St. Paul’s—Oconomowoc (WI) mid-week Advent series, “Peace on Earth” and our week-end theme, “Glorious Simplicity.” We also look forward to the 2023 Christmas season. In all this Christ offers us a peace that the world cannot give, a life rooted in the eternal Word, and an abiding hope.

Listen for the times and dates of the mid-week series, and also for important adjustments to the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day service times.

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