s02e06: "This Work Has to be Done" (NAGPRA p.III)

Challenging Colonialism by Martin Rizzo-Martinez & Daniel Stonebloom

Episode notes

The final part in this 3-episode series continues our focus on the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), where we focus on CalNAGPRA, California’s effort to strengthen NAGPRA, as well as other steps taken to improve and refine this difficult process. But we will also hear about resistance to following through on the promises of NAGPRA as well, and hear a few longer personal narratives than in previous episodes, including all-too-rare success stories of repatriation.

As always, thank you to the guests who gave their time and shared their stories:

Dr. Brittani Orona

Sabine Talaugon

Desireé Martinez

Dr. Vanessa Esquivido

Gregg Castro

Cindi Alvitre

Alexii Sigona

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