100: The glory of true humility with David VanDrunen

Centre for Christian Living podcast by Centre for Christian Living

Episode notes
Narcissism and vanity characterise the spirit of our age—particularly when it comes to social media, where we’re tempted to promote ourselves, make ourselves look good, and present a certain image of ourselves to the world. But when faced with the glory of God, Scripture calls upon us to exhibit a different attitude: humility. What does it mean to be truly humble? What does it mean to humble oneself before the Lord? If we’re serious about giving all glory to God, what should this look like in the Christian life? In this special edition of our podcast, we bring you the audio from the recent lecture Professor David VanDrunen gave for the Centre on “The glory of true humility” on 7 June 2023. For an edited transcript and show notes, visit https://ccl.moore.edu.au/resources/podcast-episode-100/ Send us your ethical questions using the contact form on ...   ...  Read more