111: The transfigured Jesus with Patrick Schreiner

Centre for Christian Living podcast by Centre for Christian Living

Episode notes
Matthew, Mark and Luke all describe Jesus ascending a mountain and then being transformed in front of three of his disciples (Matt 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-10; Luke 9:28-36). This is the event that Christians call the “transfiguration”. But why is it such an important event? What does it actually tell us about Jesus? Does it have anything to do with the Christian life? In this episode, Peter Orr talks to Dr Patrick Schreiner of Midwestern Baptist Seminary in the United States. He’s just written a wonderful book on the transfiguration, and he shows us just how vital and important this event is for understanding Jesus and for living the Christian life. For an edited transcript and show notes, visit https://ccl.moore.edu.au/resources/podcast-episode-111/