Podcast episodes
Season 2
Episode 1: WU Movers and Shakers -- with Tripp Wright (Wingate Alumni)
Come listen to a conversation with Tripp Wright, former WU Swimmer and non-profit founder (Heart for Iberia) living in Louisiana. Today we talk about changing the world by starting with yourself and your neighbors. Hosted by Catherine Wright, Director of the CCG and instructor of GPS 310 Global Perspectives in Ethics course (whose 2021 theme is Entrepreneurship and Building Thriving Communities for all)
Season 1
CCG Voice of the Students Hosted by Adden Howard --ft. Isaac Cook
In today’s episode host Adden Howard has a deep conversation with 'top dog' Isaac Cook on his leadership role at Wingate as well as his experience at the most recent ALIEN event at Southern Eighths Farm (Chesterfield, SC). Don't miss this conversation about the role of nature in life, how consistency is born from discipline, the search for purpose, life after Wingate, and how to challenge your preconceptions about something -- and discover something new! Enjoy!
CCG Voice of the Students -- A Moment of Zen with Adden Howard, CCG Leadership Intern
Take a deep breath and relax with this episode of the Voice of the students! In this episode Adden Howard shares his wisdom on the importance of understanding your own worth and growth with everyday obstacles/ challenges. This is perfect for this stressful time of year or whenever you feel overwhelmed or stressed. Adden discusses numerous topics and shares his own life stories to inspire his listeners to attain their goals and become better people. Trust us -- it will be the best 10 minutes investment in yourself that you will make today!
CCG Voice of the Students Hosted by Adden Howard -- ft. Hannah Ingalls
In this episode, host and CCG Leadership Intern Adden Howard interviews WU student and lacrosse player Hannah Ingalls. Their discussion surrounds growth through adversity, and Hannah’s journey from early struggles to becoming a positive force for good on campus through leadership on her team, in her sorority, and in her other involvement on campus.
CCG Voice of the Students Hosted by Adden Howard --ft. Dr. Nick DeLangie
In this episode, host and CCG Leadership Intern Adden Howard interviews WU faculty member Dr. Nick DeLangie about nature, leadership, and how their mutual passion for both has culminated in the formation of the Adventure Leadership Immersion Experience in Nature (ALIEN Program). Discover how this awesome program found its roots in Nick’s experience of traveling the world, learning healthy habits, channeling inner childhood memories, and growing as an individual through creative outdoor activities. Be sure to check out how you can get involved and be the leader you are meant to be!