Careers Unscripted

by Ed Reyes

Careers unscripted aims to help answer the mind hunting questions: What do you want to do when you grown up? What do you do for living? How can I further my career? We take a dive into people's career and personal history to put some tangible form to the building blocks they used to assemble the skills, knowledge, network, and other resources needed to get to where they are. In academics, there aren’t specific fields that he ...   ...  Read more

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Intro


    Have you ever asked yourself or some asked you? What are you going to do when you grow up? Congrats, you graduated, what is your next step? At Careers Unscripted, we talk to people in various fields to help those that are curious or are trying to figure it out. WELCOME TO CAREERS UNSCRIPTED!