"I can't believe how much growth I witnessed" -

Building Bliss Podcast by Mary Cross

Episode notes


Mary Cross reflects on her experience at the Womanifest festival, discussing the themes of bravery, laughter, inspiration, spark, and success. She shares her own acts of bravery, such as participating in open water swimming and doing a fire walk. Mary emphasises the power of laughter and the importance of being silly and accessing joy. She also highlights the inspiration she gained from the festival and the success stories she witnessed. Mary concludes by discussing the concept of comfort zones and the need to respect and support each other's individual boundaries.


  • Womanifest is an empowerment and wellbeing festival for women and teenage girls.
  • Acts of bravery, such as performing stand-up comedy or participating in open water swimming, can lead to personal growth a ... 
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laughterbraveryinspirationsparksuccessstand-up comedian Womanifest Festivalmental well-beingempowermentconfidencehealing