Chapter 24 - Ceylon

Book of Rulebooks by Mathieu Labrosse

Episode notes

Grow and ship tea from 18th century Sri Lanka, then called Ceylon. This pick up and deliver game is designed by Chris Zinsli and Suzane Zinsli, and published by Ludonova.


Game components - 1:40

Setup - 6:30

Summary and objective - 10:38

Playing & game turns - 11:28

Main actions - 14:12

Alternative actions & end of turn - 21:20

End of the game & final scoring - 23:08

2 player game & game variants - 25:57

Chapter credit

Voice, editing and music production: Mathieu Labrosse

Photography: Fannie de Lorenzi-Valente

ceylonludanovapick up and deliverludonova