BB64: The Scourge of Bullsh!t Jobs with Adam Winfield

Blackbird with James Jenneman by James Jenneman

Episode notes
The Scourge of Bullsh!t Jobs with Adam Winfield

I’ve had lots of jobs, most of which had words like “consultant” and “coordinator” and “specialist” in the title. Was I actually doing anything useful, or was I just taking up space — another paper-pusher, trading my hours for my employer’s dollars without much concern for actual production or productivity? I like to hope at least some of my jobs were legitimate, productive, and adding to the economy somehow. After all, I’ve supported the efforts of hair stylists, retail salespeople, auto mechanics, and hospitality workers. But was I really…producing? It’s very possible I’ve spent my entire adult life in what today’s guest calls b******t jobs. Let’s dig into it.

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