Black, Beautiful, and Autistic

by La Petite Doe

Let's talk about being Black, a Woman, and Autistic! As black women, we are already the minority, but when you are Autism, it is an extra level of being a minority. I want to discuss navigating life, getting a diagnosis, the challenges, and the positives of being autistic.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Ep. 3 Autistic Adult Diagnosed as a Woman of Color: The Long Gaslighting Journey Part 2

    Ep. 3 Autistic Adult Diagnosed as a Woman of Color: The Long Gaslighting Journey Part 2

    This episode covers the difficulty of being gaslighted by everyone during my ASD diagnosis. I am talking about life both before (childhood symptoms) and after being diagnosed (the positives). It highlights the significance of people of color receiving a diagnosis of ASD.

  • Ep. 2 Autistic Adult Diagnosed as a Woman of Color: The Long Gaslighting Journey Part 1

    Ep. 2 Autistic Adult Diagnosed as a Woman of Color: The Long Gaslighting Journey Part 1

    This episode covers the difficulty of being gaslighted by everyone during my ASD diagnosis. I am talking about life both before (childhood symptoms) and after being diagnosed (the positives). It highlights the significance of people of color receiving a diagnosis of ASD.

  • Ep.1 - Introductions and the future of BBA

    Ep.1 - Introductions and the future of BBA

    In this episode, I will talk about who I am, when I got diagnosed, what I see for the future of this podcast, and why I am starting this podcast.

  • Trailer Introduction Black, Beautiful, & Autistic- Lets Talk!


    Trailer Introduction Black, Beautiful, & Autistic- Lets Talk!


    Welcome! Here is the teaser for what's to come. I started this channel because there is a massive gap between black people and women in the Autistic world. We do have to navigate differently, even to our other autistic individuals. From getting diagnosed to the level of masking, we have to do to survive. We are true minorities, but hopefully, I can create a safe space for us to relate and share thoughts.