Revelation 13: The Beast (Part 4; The Anti-Christ)

Bible Prophecy Master Class, Part 3 by Alvin Mitchell

Episode notes

The Resurrection, Rise and Reign

(Daniel’s Mouthy Little Horn, aka, the Abomination of Desolation; Paul’s Son of Perdition)

Advent of the Beast (Revelation Chapter 13, Verses 1 and 2)

This juncture in the unfolding drama of the Apocalypse marks the halfway point in the period of seven years immediately preceding the Battle of Armageddon. This “mother-of-all” battles will usher in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Jews’ Messiah for whom they long and wait. This does not, however, indicate the midpoint of the entire period encompassed by the Apocalypse, nor does it limit this span (of the Apocalypse) to only seven years—as is commonly taught in evangelical, and perhaps some Pentecostal, or other circles.

Verse 1,

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book of the revelationbook of revelationsend times bible prophecythe beastthe antichristthe two witnessessthe mark of the beastbabylonrome in bible prophectyDaniel's little hornabomination of desolationthe roman princeprince of the people who destroyed the templesatanthe devil