Revelation 11:1-7: The Beast (Part 3; And, The Two Witnesses of God)

Bible Prophecy Master Class, Part 3 by Alvin Mitchell

Episode notes

Scourge of the Two Witnesses

Woe #2 Begins

Verse 3a, And I will give power unto my two witnesses,

The appearance of these individuals, identified here only as the “two witnesses of God”, will mark the official launch of the beginning of the endthe horrific, last seven hellish years of human history (not that the years leading up to this point will have been any picnic. God will take pangs to insure that they will be no cake walk.). These will be the years known to Bible prophecy students as Daniel’s 70th Week…which then begs the question: Since we are told that none of the Trumpet Judgments will begin until the peeling of the 7th Seal…which proves that they do not overlap or happen at the s ... 

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America in bible prophecybook of the revelationbook of revelationsend times bible prophecythe beastthe two witnessessBabylon the greatbabylonrome in bible prophectyDaniel's little hornabomination of desolationthe roman princeprince of the people who destroyed the templesatanGod's two Olive TreesMoses and ElijahEnoch and ElijahEnoch and Moses