Revelation 12: : The Beast (Part 2; The Power and the Authority behind The Anti-Christ)

Bible Prophecy Master Class, Part 3 by Alvin Mitchell

Episode notes

Great Red Dragon

While John watched the woman’s struggle to deliver her Child, the focus shifted to another, more bizarre, somewhat sinister portrayal. The sight that arrested his eyes had seven heads, seven crowns on each head, flanked by ten horns. In chap. 13, John was told that those horns have crowns (Greek=“diadema”, or, diadems), signifying their status as heads of state over individual sovereign kingdoms or domains (thus, the horns, we might argue, are symbols of authority, sovereignty, strength and individuality.). Chap. 17 confirms that the horns are indeed to be interpreted as autonomous and independent. John called this new seven-headed wonder a “great red dragon”.

Seven Heads

John is here given no clue as to the significance of t ... 

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book of the revelationbook of revelationsend times bible prophecythe beastthe antichristthe battle of armageddonthe two witnessessthe mark of the beastBabylon the greatbabylonrome in bible prophectyDaniel's little hornabomination of desolationthe roman princeprince of the people who destroyed the templethe great red dragonsatanthat old serpentthe devil