Revelation, Chapter 6:9-11 (Part 3): The Martyred Saints & The Angry Lamb!

Bible Prophecy Master Class, Part 3 by Alvin Mitchell

Episode notes

Tribulation Christian Murders:  Wave #1.

The scene changes and the action ceases as the Lamb of God peels away the fifth seal, to reveal the fifth mystery written within the Scroll.  It appears that the events of these first four seals represent the passage of a fair amount of time (clearly this time is not part of the seven last years, as will be seem later in the three “woes”, and in the Lord’s comments here), relatively speaking, since the first seal was opened; how much time, however, is not at all clear (one will therefore arbitrarily assume roughly one quarter of the apocalyptic period, at least).  The presence of the souls of deceased saints under the altar (for their deaths will be precious in His eyes—Psalm 116:15

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