Beyond the Weekend Podcast

by Ada Bible Church

The New Testament Book of James gets real about faith amidst a lot of tough topics like trials, religion, values, works, words, heart, wealth, and endurance.

Join the Beyond The Weekend Podcast team and Sr. Pastor Aaron Buer as they dig deeper and discuss how the teachings in James are impacting their faith and can impact yours too.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Make it Real: Faith & Endurance

    Make it Real: Faith & Endurance

    Make it Real | Faith & Endurance James 5:7-20 How can we endure challenging times? What difference does our faith make in how we live and think during hard seasons? Join Senior Pastor Aaron Buer, Amelia Rhodes and Stephen Lewis as they discuss how we can see God’s provision, stand firm and bring all of our emotions to God. Pastor Aaron also shares content there just wasn’t time for, and the team answers your questions.   Resources mentioned in this episode: Resolve: Elijah & Elisha sermon 12/31/23: Breaking Point Sermon Series: Moses 9/3/23 and Elijah 9/10/23: Subscribe to the Beyond the Weekend daily devotional: Jesus in the Minor Prophets:  We would love your feedback as we wrap up this podcast series. You can submit comments here:  Listen to the sermon for this podcast, Make it Real | Faith & Endurance here:  You can find more information about Ada Bible Church, watch more videos and learn more about us and our ministries on our website:

  • Make it Real | Faith & Wealth

    Make it Real | Faith & Wealth

    Make it Real | Faith & Wealth James 4:13-5:6 How does our faith impact how we think about and view our finances and resources? Join Senior Pastor Aaron Buer, Amelia Rhodes and Stephen Lewis as they discuss how we can invite God into our decision making and honor him in every aspect of our money. Pastor Aaron also shares content there just wasn’t time for, and the team answers your questions.   Resources mentioned in this episode: If you would like to be connected to a counselor, mentor, or marriage mentor please contact Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ by Dallas Willard Satisfied: Discovering Contentment in a World of Consumption by Jeff Manion Next week’s passage -- James 5   Listen to the sermon for this podcast, Make it Real | Faith & Wealth here: Submit your questions for the podcast here: We would love your feedback as we wrap up this podcast series. You can submit comments here:  You can find more information about Ada Bible Church, watch more videos and learn more about us and our ministries on our website:

  • Make it Real | Faith & Desire

    Make it Real | Faith & Desire

    James 4:1-12  What is the relationship between real faith and our desires? How does following Jesus shape what we want and how we go about getting it? Join Senior Pastor Aaron Buer, Amelia Rhodes and Stephen Lewis as they discuss how we can get back to living in line with God’s desires for our lives. Pastor Aaron also shares content there just wasn’t time for, and the team answers your questions.  Resources mentioned in this episode: The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller This week’s Beyond the Weekend devotional will feature a day on the Holy Spirit’s role in our lives: Romans chapters 6-8 Exodus 19 This week’s Beyond the Weekend devotional will feature a day on the Holy Spirit’s role in our lives: Next week’s passage: James 4:13-5:6 If you would like to be connected to a mentor, or a marriage mentor please contact    Listen to the sermon for this podcast, Make it Real |Faith & Desires here: Submit your questions for the podcast HERE! You can find more information about Ada Bible Church, watch more videos and learn more about us and our ministries on our website:

  • Make it Real | Faith & Words

    Make it Real | Faith & Words

    Make it Real | Faith & Words James 3:1-12   What is the relationship between real faith and our words? Why do our words matter and how should our faith in Jesus impact how we speak? Join Pastor Brad Holmes, Amelia Rhodes and Stephen Lewis as they discuss how our words can bring life or death. Pastor Brad also shares content there just wasn’t time for, and the team answers your questions.   Resources mentioned in this episode: -        If you would like to talk to someone or are seeking a counselor referral, please reach out to   -        Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture    -        Tumbleweed Fire Starter: Listen to the sermon for this podcast, Make it Real |Faith & Words here:   Submit your questions for the podcast here:   You can find more information about Ada Bible Church, watch more videos and learn more about us and our ministries on our website:

  • Make it Real: Faith & Works

    Make it Real: Faith & Works

    Make it Real: Faith & Works James 2:14-26   What is the relationship between real faith and works? How does real faith impact how we live? Join Pastor Brad Holmes, Amelia Rhodes and Stephen Lewis as they discuss how our faith in Jesus moves us, changes us and challenges us to trust God. Pastor Brad also shares content there just wasn’t time for, and the team answers your questions.   Resources mentioned in this episode: Gospel Coalition Article “Do Paul and James Disagree on Justification by Faith Alone?” by Thomas Schreiner: Last week’s sermon Make it Real | Faith & Favoritism: The story of Rahab and the spies, Joshua 2: The story of Abraham and Isaac, Genesis 22: Beyond the Weekend Devotional, Finding Jesus in Genesis: Next week’s passage, James 3:1-12:   Listen to the sermon for this podcast, Make it Real: Faith & Works here:   Submit your questions for the podcast here:   You can find more information about Ada Bible Church, watch more videos and learn more about us and our ministries on our website: