January 2024: Radiocarbon Dating- A Gift from God

The BC Messenger by Steve and Jennifer Hall

Episode notes

Radiocarbon dating is used to date artifacts from up to 50,000 years ago. This causes a conundrum for the Bible believer, as we discussed last month. Some Christian groups claim that radiocarbon dating is unreliable science, based on assumptions, and involves circular reasoning. Some imply that radiocarbon dating is a hoax. Is any of this true?

We hear directly from Dr. Aardsma this month on this topic. Is it possible that the Christian should really be seeing radiocarbon dating as an amazing gift from God?

On this episode we also discuss:

-Some feedback from our listeners

-Research Update: Israel's Zero Population Growth During the Exodus

-Truth in Time update

-Testimonial: Allen, 70 years old

-Helen's View: "At Our House," January, 1995

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