The BC Messenger

by Steve and Jennifer Hall

Real science, real Bible, real history, real world. Enlightening discussions that will change the way you think about the ancient Old Testament.

The biblical accounts are not myth or legend; in fact they are more real than you ever imagined. Each month brings you Bible/science research results you won't hear anywhere else, and why it matters for you today.

Your hosts, Steve and Jennifer Hall, present a c ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • July 2024: Where the Bitter Water Became Sweet, The Location of Marah

    July 2024: Where the Bitter Water Became Sweet, The Location of Marah

    After leaving Egypt, the Israelites journeyed along the north Sinai road. After three encampments, they struck out into the wilderness under Moses' direction. They found no water after a journey of three days, but then came to a place called Marah, where there was water. However, the water at Marah was bitter and they could not drink it. The Bible records that Moses then threw a tree in the water and the water became drinkable (sweet). Where did this happen? How could bitter water become sweet? On this episode Steve and Jennifer discuss continuing research and discoveries from Dr. Gerald Aardsma on the route of the Exodus, and bring a real-world answer that you have never heard before to the mystery of this familiar story! Knowing the right date leads us to the correct location of Marah... which then, once again, leads to a deeper understanding of the biblical account. Also on this episode: Newly recorded song from the Hall Family, "Satisfied" Quote of Note from The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis In the News: Jerusalem at the time of King David Helen's View: Interview with Gene Sullivan about Dr. Aardsma's Anti-Aging Vitamins READ the full Show Notes and view images online at SUBSCRIBE to The BC Messenger email list at Got questions or comments? Email

  • June 2024: Interview with Dr. Aardsma, Part 2

    June 2024: Interview with Dr. Aardsma, Part 2

    This month you will hear more of the interview with Dr. Aardsma which was recorded last year. Listen to part 1 (one of our most popular episodes) here. Various topics are discussed on this newly aired segment, including: understanding the narrative of mainstream science today choosing to be radically different from mainstream science Noah's Flood in the history of China and Egypt advice to a young person entering a secular institution the age of the earth and the concept of virtual history Also, feedback from our listeners, and a research update! READ the full Show Notes and view images online at SUBSCRIBE to The BC Messenger email list at Got questions or comments? Email

  • May 2024: How to keep your kids from saying, "I don't believe those Bible stories anymore."

    May 2024: How to keep your kids from saying, "I don't believe those Bible stories anymore."

    How would you handle a child, grandchild, or some other young person displaying serious doubts about the Bible? What can practically be done to empower this generation with the real-world truth of God's Word? The message of the Bible gives purpose. It is a message of hope, of repentance, redemption, and restoration to the guilty sinner and to this fallen world. But these messages of such great importance are only taken to heart and acted upon to the extent that they are believed in the mind to be true. So, is it all really true? Our children and grandchildren will be faced with this question sooner or later. Even mature, established Christians may face unsettling questions: This month we discuss practical steps that can be taken to help Christians anchor their faith to the real world. We must close the divide between the physical world and the spiritual world, so that we come to see God's workings in the world (past, present, and future) to be as real as the dirt we stand on, the water we drink, and the life we live everyday. The points discussed on this episode are valuable for Christian parents and teachers... or anyone who desires to be ready to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you. Also discussed on this episode: -Aging research update: Testimonial on skin cancer and the Anti-Aging Vitamins / Can I give the vitamins to my pet? -Helen's View: Part 2 of Dr. Aardsma's story of healing from "incurable" autoimmune disease READ the full Show Notes and view images online at SUBSCRIBE to The BC Messenger email list at Got questions or comments? Email

  • April 2024: Solving Mysteries of the Egyptian Pyramids

    April 2024: Solving Mysteries of the Egyptian Pyramids

    When thinking of ancient Egypt, most of us would immediately think about the massive pyramids, which were built during Egypt’s great Old Kingdom. Mystery surrounds these ancient monuments. How were these great structures built in such ancient times? Where did the ancient Egyptians get the construction techniques used to build the pyramids? Where did the Egyptians obtain the wealth to build the pyramids? These and many more questions have been asked by scholars and lay people alike. Some clues to help us understand the mysteries of the pyramids lie—you guessed it—in the Bible. In this episode we will tell the story of the building of the first pyramid, found in ancient history, and then connect some of the dots to a well-known account in the Bible. With correct biblical chronology, the mysteries of the pyramids begin to unravel. Also discussed on this episode: -Research Update: Climate Change -Truth in Time Update -Aging Research Update: Aging: Cause and Cure, 3rd Edition now available -Helen's View: Dr. Aardsma's Story of Healing from "Incurable" Disease READ the full Show Notes and view images online at SUBSCRIBE to The BC Messenger email list at Got questions or comments? Email

  • March 2024: Seeing Easter with New Eyes / Reliving the Red Sea Crossing

    March 2024: Seeing Easter with New Eyes / Reliving the Red Sea Crossing

    Easter is a celebration of Christ's triumph over death (in real-world history). Foundational to Easter is the historical event of the Passover and Israel's exodus from Egypt, when God delivered his people from Pharoah's hand in many amazing and miraculous ways (also in real-world history). Jewish people, and some Christians, participate in the celebration of Seder at the time of Passover each year. This celebration focuses on remembering the deliverance of Israel from Egypt. Part of the Seder celebration is the breaking of the matzah, which symbolizes the parting of the Sea of Reeds. As we discuss the details of the "Red Sea" crossing (based on knowing its geographical location), we can see many parallels to the Easter story. When defeat seemed certain, when the enemy thought victory was within his grasp, when God's plan didn't seem to make sense—life triumphed over death, the enemy was defeated in a mighty display of God's power, God brought His people to a place of freedom and deliverance, and sent them forth to conquer the land. Also discussed on this episode: -Special offer on Manna set: -Aging Research: Recent conversations and observations -Helen's View: Part 2 of the special interview with Eldora Bonges, 99 years old READ the full Show Notes and view images online at SUBSCRIBE to The BC Messenger email list at Got questions or comments? Email