Backyard Oasis

by Greenfield Community College

Backyard Oasis is a podcast designed by and for older adults living in the beautiful Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts, and produced in the multimedia studios at Greenfield Community College in Greenfield, MA. Backyard Oasis reaches out to older adults who seek knowledge to help them live more thoughtfully, healthily, and happily; who hope to inspire others with their ideas; and who serve their communities in the inter ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • A Literary Marriage

    A Literary Marriage

    When author Stephen Bilias invited Bela Breslau to write a novel with him, a wonderful creative collaboration ensued. Host Denise Schwartz talks with South Deerfield, Massachusetts writers Bela and Stephen about their long-time marriage, their new-ish working relationship, and how writing books together has made their marriage even more meaningful…and fun! Here's a preview of their in-progress fantasy novel titled “Wu Wei Warrior”: Protagonist Lucy Chung-Corbyn learns she has powers passed on from her father when he took the Kool Aid® while participating in secret government research. Thanks to his mutated genes, Lucy develops a unique superpower: she does nothing, but she does it powerfully, reflecting the Taoist concept of wu wei, or non-action action. You’ll love how Lucy, a non-violent superhero, defeats demons by “going with the flow.” Hosted by Denise Schwartz Edited by Nina Bocko Produced by Alex Audette Recorded in the Teaching and Learning Innovation Center's Multimedia Studio at Greenfield Community College (MA)

  • It's Wonderful to Know a Good Pharmacist!

    It's Wonderful to Know a Good Pharmacist!

    On this episode of Backyard Oasis, Dennis Lee talks with Brian Joyce about common medications and supplements and some other suggestions to live well and be safe. Hosted by Dennis Lee; Contributors: Brian Joyce Edited by Nina Bocko Produced by Alex Audette in the Teaching and Learning Innovation Center's Multimedia Studio at Greenfield Community College (MA)

  • Reframing Aging

    Reframing Aging

    Goodbye, "elderly" and "over the hill"; hello, "wise, active older adult!" Take a moment to imagine an "elderly" person. Now take that mental picture, rip it out of its cracked, broken, gray frame, and REFRAME it in something big, bold, shiny, and new. With a little consideration, you'll start to see wise, active older adults instead of the "elderly," "over the hill" folks you used to picture. Now that is how you change negative stereotypes about aging into positive ones...A.K.A. reframing aging! Join your host Denise Schwartz and guest Meg Ryan while they discuss ways we can all begin to reframe aging in our own lives NOW! Backyard Oasis was created by Dennis Lee, Denise Schwartz, Christine Copeland, Chad Fuller, and Judy Raper Hosted by Denise Schwartz Produced by Alex Audette in the Teaching and Learning Innovation Center Multimedia Studios at Greenfield Community College in Franklin County, MA

  • "Cyber Seniors" Launches in Franklin County!

    "Cyber Seniors" Launches in Franklin County!

    A terrific program that connects digital natives (young people) to older adults to help them navigate technology and learn how to use their devices has launched at Greenfield Community College! Join Judy Raper, Associate Dean of Community Engagement at GCC, Cyber Senior Coordinator, Donna Dusell and tech mentors/GCC Students, Liv Dow and Jessica Lenihan to learn more! Hosted by Judy Raper Featuring Jessica Lenihan, Olivia Dow, and Donna DuSell Produced by Alex Audette in the Teaching and Learning Innovation Center's Multimedia Studio at Greenfield Community College (MA)

  • Aging: So Cool, Everyone Is Doing It!

    Aging: So Cool, Everyone Is Doing It!

    (Special thanks to the Ohio State University's Age-Friendly Innovation Center for creating the (anti) anti-aging slogan that makes today's episode title!) Tired of being told you "look good for your age?" Tired of seeing anti-aging product advertisements everywhere? Tired of all the messaging from the media telling us that "youth is better," that if you aren't in your 20s, 30s, or 40s you are over the hill, out of touch, no longer relevant – just because you're old enough to tell your own Woodstock story?? Well, join host Denise Schwartz and public health nurse Meg Ryan in their campaign to halt ageism by doing...well, listen to the episode, and find out! Backyard Oasis was created by Dennis Lee, Denise Schwartz, Christine Copeland, Chad Fuller, and Judy Raper Hosted by Denise Schwartz Produced by Alex Audette in the Teaching and Learning Innovation Center Multimedia Studios at Greenfield Community College in Franklin County, MA