Azimuth World Foundation - Connecting the Dots

by Azimuth World Foundation

Hi, this is Azimuth World Foundation's podcast: Connecting the dots. We want to engage our community through these talks and shed light on issues that are important, urgent and need addressing. With the help of our guests, we will be connecting the dots between matters of access to Public Health and Safe Water and the balance between Humankind and Nature among indigenous and rural communities.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1



    In a recent episode of our podcast, we had an enlightening conversation with Iñupiaq Conservation Biologist Dr. Victoria Buschman about the role of Arctic Indigenous communities in shaping conservation strategies. Today, we are expanding upon our previous discussion to more deeply explore a decolonizing approach to Arctic research in general. We are privileged to have not just one, but two highly knowledgeable guests joining us for this episode: Dr. Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq and Corina Qaaġraq Kramer, who are not only sisters but also collaborators currently spearheading the groundbreaking Respectful Research intiative. Dr. Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq is assistant professor of technical and scientific communication at Virginia Tech. Cana is Iñupiaq, from Northwest Alaska and an enrolled member of the Noorvik Native Community. The digital humanities, data analysis, critical race theory, and Indigenous knowledges are combined in Cana’s research, in order to investigate the intersections of identity, science/technology/medicine, colonialism, and culture. Their work sheds light on how the marginalization of underrepresented scholars and communities is often perpetuated in mainstream academic, institutional, and societal practice. Corina Qaaġraq Kramer, also of Iñupiaq descent, hails from the Native Village of Kotzebue. As a community leader with extensive frontline experience, Corina brings a unique expertise to her work, specializing in bridging traditional Indigenous knowledge and values with Western institutional practices to enhance the well-being of Native communities, health, and sovereignty. Notably, Corina played a pivotal role in establishing the Sayaqagvik system of care for children, youth, and families in Northwest Alaska. She served as a co-investigator at Siamit Lab, an innovative academic–tribal Health Partnership affiliated with Harvard Medical School, and held the position of community director for the Della Keats Fellowship, a postgraduate program based in Northwest Alaska supporting the development of the next generation of Indigenous health leaders. Recently, Corina founded Mumik Consulting, dedicated to assisting Indigenous-serving organizations in enhancing their initiatives. . We strongly encourage our listeners to continue exploring Cana and Corina’s work: . WATCH a video version of this interview or READ transcripts in English and Portuguese here: . AZIMUTH WORLD FOUNDATION - JOIN THE CONVERSATION: - WEBSITE: - INSTAGRAM: - THREADS: - FACEBOOK: - X: - LINKEDIN:

  • Connecting the Dots with EDSON KRENAK (dubbed English version)

    Connecting the Dots with EDSON KRENAK (dubbed English version)

    In recent years, we have seen a global resurgence of the Indigenous movement. For the world’s Indigenous Peoples, in all their diversity, new technologies have brought greater visibility, anchored in these Peoples’ ability to construct their own narratives about the past, the present and the future. A new visibility that has created bridges of solidarity between Indigenous Peoples, but also with non-Indigenous people all over the world. More than ever, it is essential to strengthen this resurgence of the Indigenous movement in the face of energy transition and environmental protection international policies. In this crucial moment we must ensure that the foundations of our common future protect human rights. And especially the rights of Indigenous Peoples, in whose territories natural resources and biodiversity are protected, essential for maintaining balanced ecosystems. In the work of Edson Krenak all these issues intersect, creating a unique path of Indigenous rights activism. Edson is Advocacy Coordinator at Cultural Survival, and he leads the organization's work in Brazil. He is also deeply involved in the Keepers of the Earth Indigenous Fund, through which Cultural Survival supports Indigenous-led projects focused on environmental protection and territorial sovereignty. Alongside his work capacitating and supporting Indigenous organizations, Edson has dedicated his life to the dissemination of Indigenous cultures (including as an award-winning author), to the promotion of decolonized history education, and to the creation of alliances that strengthen the Indigenous movement, both in Brazil and internationally. We must also highlight his role on SIRGE Coalition’s executive committee, an alliance that is doing remarkable work to ensure that the rights of Indigenous Peoples are respected in policies regarding the extraction of essential transition minerals. Edson is currently finishing his PhD in Legal Anthropology at the University of Vienna in Austria. . Follow Edson Krenak’s work at & . WATCH a video version of this interview or READ transcripts in English and Portuguese here: . AZIMUTH WORLD FOUNDATION - JOIN THE CONVERSATION: - WEBSITE: - INSTAGRAM: - THREADS: - FACEBOOK: - X: - LINKEDIN:

  • Connecting the Dots com EDSON KRENAK (original em Português)

    Connecting the Dots com EDSON KRENAK (original em Português)

    Nos últimos anos, temos assistido a um ressurgimento do movimento Indígena a nível global. As novas tecnologias têm permitido que a enorme diversidade de Povos Indígenas do mundo ganhe mais visibilidade, e que o faça ancorada na capacidade de construir as suas próprias narrativas sobre o seu passado, presente e futuro. Uma nova visibilidade que tem criado pontes de solidariedade entre os Povos Indígenas, mas também junto dos não-Indígenas, um pouco por todo o mundo. Mais do que nunca, torna-se essencial fortalecer este ressurgimento do movimento Indígena, em face das políticas de transição energética e de proteção ambiental definidas internacionalmente. Vivemos um momento crucial para garantir que as bases do nosso futuro comum estejam assentes na defesa dos Direitos Humanos, e muito particularmente nos Direitos dos Povos Indígenas, em cujos territórios se encontram protegidos recursos naturais e índices de biodiversidade indispensáveis ao equilíbrio dos ecossistemas. No trabalho do Edson Krenak, o nosso convidado de hoje, todas estas questões se entrecruzam, criando um percurso singular de luta pelos direitos dos Povos Indígenas. Edson é Advocacy Coordinator na Cultural Survival, onde também guia o trabalho da organização no Brasil. Está ainda envolvido na coordenação no fundo Indígena Keepers of the Earth, através do qual a Cultural Survival apoia projetos Indígenas de proteção ambiental e soberania territorial. A par deste trabalho de capacitação e apoio a organizações Indígenas, Edson tem dedicado a sua vida à divulgação das culturas Indígenas (que inclui a produção do seu premiado trabalho como autor), à promoção de uma educação descolonizadora da história, e à criação de alianças que fortaleçam o movimento Indígena, tanto no Brasil como internacionalmente. É de destacar a sua atuação no comité executivo da SIRGE Coalition, que tem desenvolvido um importante trabalho no sentido de garantir que os direitos dos Povos Indígenas são respeitados nas políticas de extração dos minerais essenciais à transição energética. Edson está atualmente a terminar o doutoramento em Antropologia Legal pela Universidade de Viena, na Áustria. . Siga o trabalho de Edson Krenak’s em & . VEJA o vídeo desta entrevista ou LEIA a versão escrita, em Português ou Inglês, em: . AZIMUTH WORLD FOUNDATION: - WEBSITE: - INSTAGRAM: - THREADS: - FACEBOOK: - X: - LINKEDIN:

  • Connecting the Dots with NAOMI LANOI LELETO

    Connecting the Dots with NAOMI LANOI LELETO

    In this episode, we dive into Decolonizing and Indigenizing Philanthropy, movements that are changing how non-Indigenous donors support Indigenous-led organizations, and promoting the creation and expansion of networks for Indigenous-led funds. Our guest today, Naomi Lanoi Leleto, a Maasai from Narok, Kenya, is at the forefront of these movements. She is a board member at the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples, as well as Program Coordinator for Global Indigenous Grantmaking and Coordinator for the East Africa Advisory Board for the Global Greengrants Fund. Naomi worked as a Women Land Rights Program Officer at the Kenya Land Alliance, advocating for the effective implementation of constitutional provisions to secure women's land rights. She has extensive experience advocating for inclusive grantmaking that upholds the rights, self-determination, and environmental work of Indigenous Peoples. Naomi has a Master's degree in Legal Studies from the Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program at the University of Arizona and has contributed to the UN's Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues since 2011. . Follow Naomi Leleto’s work at & . WATCH a video version of this interview or READ transcripts in English and Portuguese here: . AZIMUTH WORLD FOUNDATION - JOIN THE CONVERSATION: - WEBSITE: - INSTAGRAM: - THREADS: - FACEBOOK: - X: - LINKEDIN:

  • Connecting the Dots with SYLVIA KOKUNDA

    Connecting the Dots with SYLVIA KOKUNDA

    Batwa communities in Uganda, Rwanda, and the DRC are clear examples of the devastating effects of fortress conservation, the colonial model for nature preservation that posits the mutual exclusion of nature and humans. Often, the designation of protected areas leads to the displacement of the very people responsible for stewarding that ecosystem—those who thrived in and relied on that land for their spiritual and physical sustenance. In the Bwindi forest in 1991, wildlife conservation efforts pushed Batwa communities to the margins of Ugandan society. Unable to navigate this society, their marginalization deepened. And this very brief, abrupt, and violent chapter had devastating consequences for a people who had been thriving for millennia as forest dwellers. We are honored to have Sylvia Kokunda as our latest guest on Connecting the Dots. Sylvia, a Batwa leader, is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Action for Batwa Empowerment Group, a non-profit Ugandan organization working to empower the Batwa. After completing a bachelor's degree in Public Administration and Management and a Master of Arts in Organisational Leadership and Management, Sylvia decided to commit her life to representing her community at national, regional, and international human rights forums, where she has boldly spoken out against the unbearable injustices that the Batwa continue to suffer under the Ugandan government's watch. Her organization's projects empower the Batwa community through advocacy, education, skills development, healthcare, commercial agriculture, tourism and research to holistically transform their lives and culture for a prosperous future. Action for Batwa Empowerment Group also engages with several national and international stakeholders to find a comprehensive approach and solutions that address the challenges the Batwa face. . Follow the work of Action for Batwa Empowerment Group: . WATCH a video version of this interview or READ transcripts in English and Portuguese here: . AZIMUTH WORLD FOUNDATION - JOIN THE CONVERSATION: - WEBSITE: - INSTAGRAM: - THREADS: - FACEBOOK: - X: - LINKEDIN: