A Realistic Timeline for a Book Launch and a To Do List to Get You There: Episode 012

Authors Talking Bookish by Donna Norman-Carbone and Hope Gibbs

Episode notes

Whether you’ve signed a publishing contract or are self-publishing, you need a launch plan. From author brand to gaining an audience, to release day and beyond, we’ve tracked our own journeys in order to provide you with a realistic timeline to follow for your own launch.


Your launch plan might look different based on how you are publishing your book:

Big 5

Small Press


How to figure out your ducks (To Dos) before you can get them in a row

Three phases of launching:

Before (18-12 month prior to launch)

During (6-1 month before launch)

After (3-6 months after launch)


Before and After the Book Deal by Courtney Maum

Launch Pad: The Countdown to Marketing Your Book, Mary Helen Sheriff & Grace Sammon, EDs.

Jane  ... 

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