DeFi Read #6, Curve + zkSync L2: Ethereum’s first user-defined ZK rollup smart contract! [Matter Labs]

Audible DeFi by Nancy Ellen

Episode notes

In this episode I read “Curve + zkSync L2: Ethereum’s first user-defined ZK rollup smart contract!” written by the team at Matter Labs. This is an important article because, as we covered previously on this posdcast, DeFi on Ethereum is suffering from high fees, constrained capacity, and lack of privacy and these are 3 of the biggest value propositions of this collaboration between Curve and zkSync. We’ve covered zkSync in previous episodes, so if you want a high level overview, make sure to check out episode #3. This article brings some really good insight into how zkrollups will function in practice and how developers will interact with the system via Zinc, a zkRollup-centric programming language. I hope you enjoy the episode!