Fabrication Friday - 3D Printing a Helping Hand

Fabrication Friday by Joe Fairley

Episode notes

This week on the Fabrication Friday podcast we spent some time chatting with the awesome and dedicated crew at the Victoria Hand Project - a Canadian non-profit looking to make an impact for upper extremity amputees around the world. Ascent Fabrication has a long history with the VHP crew, with Joe having been to Port-Au-Prince Haiti with their early team members back in 2016, to provide upper extremity prostheses to amputees as well as train the local professionals how to 3D scan, design, and 3D print them locally. The VHP team has been most recently involved with the efforts in Ukraine and we are also supporting them now in the US. If you are an amputee and think you could benefit from their device, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Victoria Hand Project: https://www ... 

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3d printingprostheticsadditive manufacturingamputeerehabilitationcadinnovation