Aren't You Hot In That

by Sohailla Mahjour

Aren’t You Hot In That? * If You Don’t Date, How Do You Marry? * Do You Speak Iranian? * These are some of the most common questions I am asked when headed to Iran. To remove some of the stigma around the ‘I’ word (I**n), I took the time to speak with Iranians to bring an intimate perspective of this Middle Eastern culture. Logo Design by Anoosha Farokh

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Parvone


    My aunt Parvone is one of the kindest, sweetest, most patient women I know. We often refer to her as “Madare Hame” , Everyone's Mother. She married at 17 years old to her first cousin, Hamid. He was 8 years her senior. Parvone grew up wearing hijab and was hounded by her grandmother to cover her hair, not show too much skin. At her wedding, her scarf was considered ‘too thin’ and she had to replace it with a thicker veil. Two children, a house and years of international travel later, Parvone considers herself ‘Bi Hijab” Without Hijab. Wow, how does her grandmother feel about this now?

  • Mohammad


    English Episode! Introducing Mohammad, a bilingual film lover and at 24 years old he is studying for his Masters in Biomechanical Engineering. (Well, if that doesn’t make me question where I am in life, I don’t know what will) His mother is a nurse who was working in the front lines at the height of the COVID pandemic. Mohammad tells us the perks of growing up with a medical caretaker. Can anyone say “affordable healthcare!” Follow Mohammad on Instagram @thembusy1 @The.Normal.Family

  • Saleheh


    First Farsi episode! But wait - if you are learning Farsi stick around. My cousin Saleheh met her husband through an arranged marriage. In a world where you're not really supposed to date - how do you get married? She talks about the emotional steps taken to wed her future husband, what happened when he lost their wedding rings and that all this was managed without serving alcohol at the wedding party...that's right. A dry wedding.

  • Sara


    Meet my cousin Sara. Her mom forced her to attend English classes as a child. Of course, being a rule-following daughter, she begrudgingly obliged. However, now she appreciates the liberties of being bilingual. Currently Sara is a working woman in the city of Qom. In this episode, she deep dives into what it is like getting a nose job when you are afraid of doctors…also dentists...and anyone in the medical field.

  • Mahboobeh


    Meet my Aunt Mahboobeh. She grew up with four brothers, a swimming pool and a pomegranate tree. Guess what, whenever she needed to take a shower, she had to use the public bathroom. Yup, that means pay per use. Married at 23, Mahboobeh began traveling the world with her husband. She had three kids, each one born in a different country from the next. Wow, how do you manage all the citizenships?