Another One For The VoidExplicit

by David Howard

two idiots give wrong opinions while exploring media, a pseudo-book club while we also delve into other media like movies, video games and manga. #aoftv

Podcast episodes

  • Dune Movie: Testicles of Tungsten


    Dune Movie: Testicles of Tungsten


    Dune Movie is out, we watched, you should too. now here's our opinion on Hollywood's newest take on the sandy space epic staring the Twink supreme Timothee Chalamet

  • Dune Episode 2: Duncan Idaho and the Sad Boy Crew


    Dune Episode 2: Duncan Idaho and the Sad Boy Crew


    We take our second Scrooge McDuck dive into the desert dunes of Arrakis, this time with more sand more drugs and more death

  • Dune Episode 1: Wait, Where are the Sandworms?


    Dune Episode 1: Wait, Where are the Sandworms?


    Stephanie and David take a dive into the sandy world of Dune, start with an intro to the characters and setting before jumping into the start of the book