Anti-Racism and Classical Studies

Anti-Racism and the Disciplines by Tulane University School of Liberal Arts

Episode notes

What is “classics”—is it a place, a period of time, or a value judgment? How can texts from over 2,000 years ago be related to racism today? And what can we do about it? Join host Dean Brian Edwards and Dan-el Padilla Peralta, Associate Professor of Classics at Princeton University, as they discuss these questions and more in this episode of Anti-Racism and the Disciplines.


  • [01:11 - 03:40] What is "classics" or "classical studies"?

  • [03:40 - 05:52] Is classics a place, a period of time, or a value judgment?

  • [05:55 - 14:36] How is classics a part of the history of the American university itself?

  • [14:39 - 17:14] What is the difference between "classics" and "classicism"?

  • [17:14 - 22:48] How do race and racism become a part of  ... 

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classical studiesclassicsclassicismancient