• AnthroArt
  • Roma Seasonal Migration and Its E...

Roma Seasonal Migration and Its Effects on Romanian Rural Communities - Valer Simion Cosma

AnthroArt by Antropedia / Namla / Ambigrama

Episode notes
How does intra-European transnational labor migration in agriculture change the material and status conditions of the most underprivileged groups living in the European peripheries from which this labor originates? How do the dominant groups react? While a rich literature looks at transnational labor migration from Eastern Europe to Western Europe, there is still room for research on the ethic relations that structure these flows as well as on the material effects that it has in communities of extreme marginality such as that of the rural Roma. Illustration by Andra Badeahttps://theanthro.art/roma-seasonal-migration-and-its-effects-in-romanian-rural-communities-valer-simion-cosma/  ...  Read more