Antediluvian Revelations: A Poetic Retelling of the Book of Enoch, The Prophet Season Three Episode Nine

Antediluvian Revelations: A Poetic Retelling of the Book of Enoch, the Prophet, Season Three by Michael Inacloud

Episode notes

This ninth episode of the third season is the final episode of the series. This second part of the Summary Discussion of Part Five may include additional information that will not be included in the final version of the text. There is a need for an emphatic call to action because the situation is not improving for mankind. There are many secrets and mysteries hidden within the poetry that have not been revealed in the discussions presented throughout the series. One of these secrets not previously mentioned in any of the discussions is a reference in the poetry to the author's required actions of pleading to Almighty God for the mercy of the innocents, the saints, and the elect prior to the commencement of the apocalypse. Estimated time for this to occur will be no later than July 10, 2024. Are you ready for the apocalypse?