Antediluvian Revelations: A Poetic Retelling of the Book of Enoch, The Prophet Season Three Episode Six

Antediluvian Revelations: A Poetic Retelling of the Book of Enoch, the Prophet, Season Three by Michael Inacloud

Episode notes

Episode Six is Part Five, Canto One titled "The Prophetic Sermons." Part Five is commonly referred to as the Epistle of Enoch because this part of the book is very preachy. More importantly, the sermonic episodes in Part Five are a series of prophecies and warnings to the faithful and sinners alike. All of these prophecies are worth reading because the explanation for why there must be an apocalyptic end to mankind becomes revealed in these sermons. Enoch presented these sermons and teachings to his family while he was on the Earth for only one year after being returned from some unspecified time with the watchers. If there is any accuracy to the details in both The Book of Enoch, The Prophet and the book of Genesis, then Enoch's return to Earth could have occurred multiple times over an approximately 150-year period of time. As one of only a few ... 

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