
#5 Lucy Grace: Finding Grace Within To Empower Your Life

Angels Changing Tyres by Yonatan hanochi

Episode notes

Lucy was raised in a poor neighborhood, by a young single mother in the 1980's. The lack of resources available in childhood resulted in a shrinking of her outer world to what she thought of - years later - as a kind of welfare-child ashram. There was little exposure to the outside world and few distractions or ability to go anywhere else. She endured significant trauma and sustained violence in childhood – all compelling her to go within to find nourishment, solace, strength and what she thought of as “the deep stillness and light inside.” This connection with spirit – with all that she is – burnt into being out of necessity, deepened significantly throughout her life and when she was 19, 36 and 38 she went through significant awakenings that rearranged everything within, and so too, without. Her career as a television journalist, and then a hum ... 

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