Episode notes

Wendy Finds Out She Is Pregnant Again

The feeling hit Wendy with a dull, cavernous shock. She thought that, if a railway carriage were sentient, it would feel this way, when coupled with a locomotive.

She was on the toilet. Her period was late. She knew.

She felt nothing but that shock. A man gets a job, she thought, which will pay him well, but which he does not want… Or, more likely, a man gets conscripted for a war to defend another man’s homeland

She shrugged, then laughed, rubbing her forehead. Time to pop out another one, breeder. Tom’s face rose in her mind, and she felt a strange starfish of pain deep within her.

She had been fantasizing about Tom for some time. It was quite gruesome, actually. Greek. Incestuous. She foug ... 

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