Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Stormy Colonoscopy

    Stormy Colonoscopy

    We're back after a several-month-long hiatus. ADHD, golf, and colonoscopy juice are the topics of the evening... at least that I remember.

  • '22 Year End

    '22 Year End

    This is the last episode for the year. Per usual, there is no theme. Tune in to learn something new about beavers and ZPacks.

  • Carp Tacos & Small Town Strippers

    Carp Tacos & Small Town Strippers

    This week, we had the pleasure to pick the brain of our guest and golf pro, Haley! These gals love balls and shafts... on the course that is. This episode is dedicated to Strawberry Shortcake & all the other women out there like her, Make it happen, baby.

  • Hamsters & Brain Fog

    Hamsters & Brain Fog

    I honestly don't remember what we talked about during this episode, BUT, I know it had something to do with hamsters, lotion, and John Daly. Good Luck

  • Dreaming Of Clowns In Ohio

    Dreaming Of Clowns In Ohio

    On this.... wild adventure of an episode, Jess & Cookie discuss lucid dreaming, the alleged "killer clowns", and Barb & Dick. We aren't entirely sure what the "theme" to this episode was, but you can decide for yourself and let us know.