Ep 19 - 27 September - I.O.W with KlimaDAO core team - Archimedes, Dionysus, Oxylos

Agora Offsiders by Agora Podcast

Episode notes


Dropkickdarren and Mark11 sit down with Klimate warriors- Archimedes, Dionysus, and Oxylos to talk about everything KlimaDAO.

We head deep into the forests of West Germany to bring you this exclusive interview following Klima's post-launch - what we touch on:

  • Crypto backgrounds, 1:50

  • Blockchain energy consumption, 14:26

  • KlimaDAO inception story, 16:43

  • KlimaDAO high-lvl explanation, 21:11

  • Carbon offset project criteria (certifications), 35:33

  • AI Defi intersection, 37:55

  • Klima token liquidity, 39:00

  • Klima launch process, 41:20

  • Relationship with OlympusDAO, 49:07

  • Thought process on Polygon deployment,

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economicsklimadaocarbon offsetsclimate changeblockchain