With Alan Carolissen //Acting CEO, National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute (NRWDI), South Africa

AfriNuke Podcast by Afrinuke Podcast

Episode notes

Links and Highlights:

National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute (NRWDI) : https://www.nrwdi.org.za/

Inclusion and Diversity has been a major component of the NRWDI human resource policy

Any Government needs to establish the infrastructure to deal with the waste decisively and also provide funds for the long term management of nuclear waste. A good regulatory body is very crucial

  • Transparency, skill development, and stakeholders involvement are essential ingredients for waste management.
  • The pillars of waste management is a tripod of care for humans, environment and the future generations; this is balanced on/summed up in sustainability
  • Stakeholders' St ... 
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