With Prof Seth Kofi Debrah of Ghana Atomic Energy Commission on "Africa's Nuclear Renaissance: Ghana's Position

AfriNuke Podcast by Afrinuke Podcast

Episode notes
  • Hurray🎉, It is our 50th Episode!
  • We have a country that is energy poor and water rich but cannot provide portable water for it self
  • President Kwame Nkrumah had and shared the vision to getting nuclear power in Ghana not just for energy but for business development
  • The nuclear program is not just to provide energy for Ghana but for other parts of Africa
  • What is the safety regime do you have? All the 19 infrastructure issues required by IAEA
  • Ghana is in phase two and are engaging vendor countries
  • The country is fully committed to bringing nuclear to Ghana and have created a separate company to that effect
  • Funding and financing are key aspects unique to the nuclear power infrastructure development and processes are in place to get it rightly done
  • A nuclear power plant will by plan ... 
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financingenergyghanainternational cooperationmilestones2030west africa