African Table TalkExplicit

by Cynthiche Brigitte

African Table Talk is a show about everything African. It invites you to the discussion Africans have. Our hope, dream, trauma, and culture. No topic is off limit. It looks at current events from an African point of view. It hopes to amplify African voices on the global stage and educate the mass on African/Black politics and culture.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • A Homage to Trevor Noah

    A Homage to Trevor Noah

    Trevor Noah came to the news seen seven years ago and changed the landscape of American media. While people understand his reason for stepping down from the Daily Show, many of us mourn the loss of the important voice he brought. As an African growing up in America, I reflect on the impact his positionality brought and how he embodied the voice the American media lacked. This is an homage from an African to another African.

  • Reaction The Omar Sy Controversy

    Reaction The Omar Sy Controversy

    This episode responds to the controversy after French Actor, Omar Sy commented on the West's reaction to the war in Ukraine. I analyze the positionality in which Omar speaks and why the French responses are anti-Omar. I question the reason why his comments led to a controversy. In this episode, I analyze the double-edged sword Black migrant/African migrants face when calling out Western actions or inactions.

  • Becoming African

    Becoming African

    How does one become the person they were born into? How can an African-born finds herself becoming African after migrating to the US? Find out in this episode where I detailed how I became African and the political construction behind becoming African. This episode speak in the positionality of an African immigrant who did not know Western perceptions towards Africa prior to moving to the U.S.

  • Good Hair- The Complexities of Black Women and their Hair


    Good Hair- The Complexities of Black Women and their Hair


    This episodes discusses the complexities of Black Women's hair. What is our history with Hair? Where do we learn to love/hate our hair? How do we love our hair? Stigma about short hair. All is Good Hair

  • Introducing The African Table Talk

    Introducing The African Table Talk

    Get to know The African Table Talk. Learn more about who I am as the host. Learn about the themes of discussions we will discuss. This podcast will discuss politics, history and current event. The perceptive of this podcasts will come from an African, multicultural, global, American, Congolese-American voice. I will drive from history, personal anecdote and current events to drive the discussions!