• TwoGether
  • How Changing Your Thoughts Can Ch...

How Changing Your Thoughts Can Change Your Marriage - Ted Lowe

TwoGether by Cori Olsson, Samuel Jones, Andy Donaldson, Rachel Norton and Dr. Kelly Bonewell

Episode notes

This upcoming fall on October 6, Ted Lowe is coming to visit Ada Bible Church and we will be having a marriage night for couples. On this episode, Kelly and Ted discussed his latest book Us in Mind: How Changing Your Thoughts Can Change Your Marriage. This was a great discussion in how we think about our spouse in a positive manner can make a long-lasting impact on your marriage. Also please join us on October 6 for our marriage event - it will be a fun event where you can take one or two things away to better your marriage.

WANT TO TALK TO SOMEONE?If you would like to talk to a pastor or person on staff about your marriage, please reach out to care@adabible.org. We would also love to hear from you as well as any future topics you would like us to talk about.


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marriage event