Why Do We Interview Couples?

TwoGether by Cori Olsson, Samuel Jones, Andy Donaldson, Rachel Norton and Dr. Kelly Bonewell

Episode notes

A key aspect of the TwoGether podcast is that we interview couples and want to dive deep into learning more about their stories. By doing these interviews, there is much for us to learn from others that can make our marriages better and it's why we believe it is the cornerstone of our podcast. Today, Rachel, Andy, Kelly and Cori have a discussion of how we can learn a lot from couples in how they navigate their marriages and we highlight some of the past episodes in what we learned from the different couples we have interviewed on the podcast.

WANT TO TALK TO SOMEONE?If you would like to talk to a pastor or person on staff about your marriage, please reach out to care@adabible.org. We would also love to hear from you as well as any future topics you would like us to talk about.

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