Dave Ramsey: What is a "Good" Income (My Reaction) (#162)

Financial Advisors Say The Darndest Things by A.B. Ridgeway, CPWA®️, MBA

Episode notes

Episode Summary:

In this episode of "Financial Advisors Say the Darnedest Things," host A.B. Ridgeway addresses the question of what constitutes a good income, using a listener's inquiry as a springboard for discussion. Through the lens of financial wisdom intertwined with Christian values, Ridgeway offers insights into financial stewardship and the pursuit of a life rich in spirit and righteous in action.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Income Perspective and Financial Discipline: Ridgeway commends the listener, Kelly, for her financial discipline and ability to save despite earning $36,000 annually. He emphasizes the importance of living below one's means and the value of prudent financial habits regardless of income level.
  2. Relative Nature of Good Income: While $3 ... 
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