Welcome to 10 Rs Ki Pepsi, Humara Shah Rukh Sexy!

10 Rs Ki Pepsi, Humara Shah Rukh Sexy by Deeksha, Digvijay, Preeti

Episode notes

Hello and welcome to 10 Rs Ki Pepsi, Humara Shah Rukh Sexy! We're so glad you found your way here (we know you're probably close friends and family but let's cosplay as famous and discoverable for a moment) (also we tried coming up with better names but we are not the most creative trio).

Do we have any sort of film credentials to be making this podcast? No. But are we here to critically analyse films? No. Will we at least take an objective approach to reviewing them? Also no. <3

So who are we and what are we doing here? We're just 3 friends, who went to college together. Who like to play word games sometimes. Who love wine. And gossip. And films. And Shah Rukh Khan. And we simp for him all the time, so we figured, why not invite folks to listen in?

Join us as we watch SRK films from the past three decades and get together to ... 

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