Well Healed

di Grant Stacey

Demystifying, exploring and explaining energy healing (also called spiritual healing).

By shining a light on this ancient practice, listeners can decide for themselves whether individuals -- and society as a whole -- are missing a great opportunity, simply because healing has become sidelined or ignored.

If this complementary therapy really does boost health and well-being in a safe, non-invasive and often profou ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • The Actor Who Directed Hundreds Into Healing

    The Actor Who Directed Hundreds Into Healing

    Respected healing teacher Lea Brodie unveils her unique journey of discovering and embracing her healing abilities while nurturing her love for theatre. From childhood experiences to collaborating with renowned healers like Harry Edwards (the minister at her wedding, no less), Lea shares insights on the evolution of healing, spirituality and vibrational medicine as well as tips for healers - would-be or experienced. Explore the impact of energy healing and mindfulness for youth and the intersection of healing modalities for a healthier future. Discover the power of humility, gratitude, and personal development in the healing journey. And enjoy the wisdom and experience of one of the most senior and respected spiritual healers in the U.K. and - as her legions of students would vouch - one of the most inspiring teachers Hashtags #HealingJourney #EnergyHealing #Spirituality

  • The Inspiring Woman Who Proved Energy Healing Works 🙌🏼 🙌🏿 🙌🏽 🙌

    The Inspiring Woman Who Proved Energy Healing Works 🙌🏼 🙌🏿 🙌🏽 🙌

    Hear the amazing story of British healer Sandy Edwards and her mission to demonstrate that spiritual or energy healing works, not through the countless successful healings she has given over decades, but via a rigorous and large scientific research project. The two-year study that she instigated was carried out by University of Birmingham researchers and backed by a U.K. National Lottery grant — a study that stands up to the closest scrutiny and underlines healing’s potential to improve lives and health systems, and perhaps even generate significant cost savings from patients no longer needing expensive treatments. The results, detailed in her book Spiritual Healing in Hospitals and Clinics, were “spectacular,” according to Dr Michael Dixon, head of the Royal Medical Household and chair of the College of Medicine. “The obvious truth from her research is that healing can provide significant benefit to a substantial number of patients…shown at a remarkable level of statistical significance,” Dr Dixon wrote in the book’s foreword. Listen as Sandy recounts how she got into healing and was astonished to find that, despite not feeling a thing as she practiced it, she had the gift — a gift she notes that all of us share. “It’s part of being human.” Sandy outlines the role of the other hero of the story, Dr Sukhdev Singh, a highly respected National Health Service consultant physician who was open-minded enough to notice that some of his long-suffering patients were benefiting greatly from healing. Together, they set the course for a marathon journey that culminated in two research papers, both confirming what healers and their recipients had known for years: that energy healing works. Grant heal-energy.com For information on the book https://healinginahospital.uk/ Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/225crqxg Links to organisations and research mentioned in the podcast: The Healing Trust https://www.thehealingtrust.org.uk/ Doctor-Healer Network https://www.doctorhealer.org/ The Scientific and Medical Network https://scientificandmedical.net/ European Journal of Integrative Medicine https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187638201630422X BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine https://bmccomplementmedtherapies.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12906-015-0611-x Music from #Uppbeat https://uppbeat.io/t/cutesy-chamber-ensemble/the-sweetest License code: KVDPLW9MTQLKLYEB https://uppbeat.io/t/corals/cycles License code: 3VHM77TWYPGG1AML

  • Five Reasons to Become a Healer 🙌🏾 🙌🏼 🙌🏿 🙌🏽 🙌

    Five Reasons to Become a Healer 🙌🏾 🙌🏼 🙌🏿 🙌🏽 🙌

    Everyone has innate healing ability, whether they know it or not. So why not become a healer? Grant outlines five reasons to get involved, from the enormous satisfaction of helping to improve people's lives to the profound boost healers can receive to their overall health and well-being. Stay tuned for more insightful episodes and healing meditations from Well Healed. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more content like this. Have additional questions or experiences to share? Drop them in the comments below, and let's keep the conversation going. Thank you for listening, and remember, healing is a journey and we're all in it together. I'm Grant, signing off from Well Healed https://www.heal-energy.com

  • "An Energy Healer Saved My Husband's Life" 🙌🏼 🙌🏼

    "An Energy Healer Saved My Husband's Life" 🙌🏼 🙌🏼

    Scientist Mark's recovery from heart surgery takes a chilling turn for the worse. In desperation, his wife calls on the services of an energy healer. Listen to their remarkable story, one that inspired Well Healed host Grant to become an energy healer, in this latest broadcast from the channel that covers everything to do with healing. UPDATE: I'm pleased to reveal that Mark's energy healer was Lynn Varcin, who is based in Byron Bay, Australia. Lynn adds that the subsequent jungle healings cured the trouble after the first session "enabled Mark's body to life (or a re-instatement of his light form)." So my reference to a single session helping to save Mark is not quite right, and I'm very happy to clarify that. Huge thanks to Lynn! Stay tuned for more insightful episodes and healing meditations from Well Healed. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more content like this. Thank you for listening, and remember, healing is a journey and we're all in it together. I'm Grant, signing off from Well Healed https://www.heal-energy.com Music from #Uppbeat https://uppbeat.io/t/simon-folwar/night-of-wonders License code: EE6IHW7PKPPNBFCR Music from #Uppbeat https://uppbeat.io/t/cutesy-chamber-ensemble/the-sweetest License code: KVDPLW9MTQLKLYEB

  • Considering an Energy Healing? From Sensations to Side Effects, Here's the Ultimate FAQ

    Considering an Energy Healing? From Sensations to Side Effects, Here's the Ultimate FAQ

    If you've ever considered visiting an energy healer but weren't sure what to expect, this is for you. From what you'll feel during a session to how to get the most out of it, Grant covers it all. Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned veteran, there's something here for everyone. Join us as we explore: What sensations to expect during a healing session Tips for maximising your experience The duration of a typical healing session What to wear and how to prepare The role of the healer during the session Consent and touch in energy healing Healing for children and adults alike Handling complaints and ensuring a safe experience Potential side effects and post-session care The number of sessions recommended for optimal results The wide range of issues energy healing can address The complementary nature of energy healing alongside traditional medicine What if I cannot find a healer? Stay tuned for more insightful episodes and healing meditations from Well Healed. Don't forget to subscribe for more content like this.. Thank you for listening, and remember, healing is a journey and we're all in it together! I'm Grant, signing off from Well Healed