E6: Unlocking Hearts and Minds: Teaching with Clarity and Conviction

Teaching Restored di Kevin Joens

Note sull'episodio
In this episode of Teaching Restored, we talk about what Kevin calls the Ts & Cs. It has helped guid his method of teaching and sharing the restored gospel. Kevin & Julie walk through the deeper meaning of the Ts&Cs+ and find hidden gems to share information and testimony and bring the Spirit in a conversation. Grab the show notes at https://teachingrestored.com
Parole chiave
LDSChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsSunday SchoolRelief SocietyElders QuorumYM/YWAaronic PriesthoodTeachingRestored GospelHoly GhostMormonseminarymissionaryldsmissionaryldslifeldsprimaryldsteachingtipsldsmissionariesldscomefollowmecomefollowmeJesus ChristJesusChrist