Tandem Talk

di Tandem Investment Advisors, Inc.

Tandem Talk is a quarterly financial podcast sharing history, insight, and market commentary from our Investment Team.

To learn more about Tandem Investment Advisors, Inc., please visit our website https://tandemadvisors.com/.


Tandem Investment Advisors, Inc. is an SEC registered investment advisor.

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Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 3

  • Tandem Talk, Episode 16: Patience—the Watch Word of 2024

    Tandem Talk, Episode 16: Patience—the Watch Word of 2024

    We’re back with our 16th episode of Tandem Talk! If you have been with us from the beginning, that’s 4-years of Tandem Talk – thank you for following along. In this episode, we dive into recent earnings growth, share price volatility, trusting your news source, and the numbers making up the markets; think GDP growth, CPI, interest rates, and consumer sentiment numbers. We touch on the recent price increases by companies post-pandemic (goodbye dollar menu!), the threat of stagflation, and a lot of noise from the Fed. With different reports saying different things – who do you believe? We close out the episode with the topic of short-termism. What’s the market doing today? This week? This quarter? What really matters? Compounding your earnings and having the patience to do so!

  • Tandem Talk, Episode 15: Check Your Emotions at the Door

    Tandem Talk, Episode 15: Check Your Emotions at the Door

    Join our Investment Team around the table for our 15th episode of Tandem Talk! Listen in as we reflect on the similarities of 2023 and 2024-to date, debate how to pronounce NVIDIA, and discuss the seemingly forgotten 493 other companies in the index. We wrap our conversation discussing the irrational and emotional decision-making that is likely to come with election season but remind the listener that good companies are good companies in all environments. Here

  • Tandem Talk, Episode 14: The Importance of Capital Allocation

    Tandem Talk, Episode 14: The Importance of Capital Allocation

    Tandem’s Investment Team returns with our 14th episode of Tandem Talk! We take a look back to last quarter’s podcast and can’t help but recognize that we are basically in the same place we were 2 years ago. We are still seeing this two-market divide grow deeper and the discussion surrounding banks continues as we see tighter restrictions on loans and stricter lending. We touch on the importance of capital allocation and why we may be seeing past misallocations of funds become problematic. Closing out the podcast, we discuss Tandem’s Two Pillars and our commonsense approach to investing.

  • Tandem Talk, Episode 13: Soft Landing or No Landing?

    Tandem Talk, Episode 13: Soft Landing or No Landing?

    In this Episode of Tandem Talk (or should we say Fed Talk?), we cover a lot of news relating to recent Fed statements and actions. And what’s the deal with this thing we keep hearing about, a “recession” maybe? We take a look in the rearview, touching on topics surrounding historic savings rates, ongoing price increases (RIP Chipotle guac), tax cuts, how China is affecting the market, debt talks and more. Expect a lot of throwbacks and even some updates on AI’s effects on the market. And no, we’re not talking about Allen Iverson!

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  • Tandem Talk, Episode 12: The Squeeze

    Tandem Talk, Episode 12: The Squeeze

    “When you have that many people short – you get squeezed.” – Ben Carew, CFA. We have a lot to cover on this episode of Tandem Talk. We kick off with a debrief of the past month and recent market events. In usual Tandem fashion, we lay it all on the table and try to make heads or tails of this ever-changing market environment we find ourselves reverting back to time and time again. To wrap things up, we play a fun game of “Yes or No, does this affect Tandem’s portfolio?”.