Tales from Planet Customer Experience

di Brian Bruner

Join us as we share stories (both good and bad) about experiences we have had as customers - from airlines to grocery stores and everywhere in between!

Episodi del podcast

  • Ep021 - Giving out chocolates in the airport lounge!

    Ep021 - Giving out chocolates in the airport lounge!

    Join us as we chat with our friend Mark Ross-Smith who has had some fascinating unique experiences in the airline industry trying to provide a creative customer experience.

  • Ep020 - Cars, Glasses, and Pizzas! It's all about the experience!

    Ep020 - Cars, Glasses, and Pizzas! It's all about the experience!

    Join us as we visit with our friend Jen about several powerful experiences she's had lately, including renting a "really cool" car, ordering pizzas, and getting new eye glasses from an unexpected place!

  • Ep019 - What does an port-a-potty have to do with customer experience?

    Ep019 - What does an port-a-potty have to do with customer experience?

    Join us as we chat with our new friend Adrian Swinscoe of the podcast Punk CX about how his experience with an outdoor port-a-potty helped him understand how customer experience (CX) can affect all people - including those with special needs.

  • Ep018 - Why is the owner answering the phone after hours?

    Ep018 - Why is the owner answering the phone after hours?

    Join us as our returning guest Latina Angelova shares another great story about her experience with Bulgarian hair care company BRAVE.NEW.HAIR and its owner - it's a great recipe that should be "rinsed and repeated" everywhere! Be sure to also read Latina's article on LinkedIn.

  • Ep017 - Is this the Year of Empathy?

    Ep017 - Is this the Year of Empathy?

    Join us as Dilyana and Brian share their thoughts and stories about empathy when dealing with customers - and for customers dealing with service providers!