Ramblings of a Mad GuyEsplicito

di Rhys Foulke

If you'd just like to amble along a long rambling tangent for a couple a' minutes, well I suppose you've come to the right place pardner.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 4

  • Canadian Shark Tank Sucks

    Canadian Shark Tank Sucks

    Boston Pizza... need I say more?

  • Biden Mulvaney Runs for President!

    Biden Mulvaney Runs for President!

    Finally a candidate we can take seriously! Biden Mulvaney has officially announced her campaign for President!

  • Bowling Ball Lady

    Bowling Ball Lady

    Between method actors, psychotic billionaires, and bowling ball people... I think method actors are the worst.

  • Critiquing Cole Sprouse

    Critiquing Cole Sprouse

    We do this because we're jealous, not because we're better than king Cole.

  • Stagione 3

  • Ordering Cocaine to Grandma's House

    Ordering Cocaine to Grandma's House

    Jake is back and ready for more! Also stop ordering cocaine to grandma's house!