Open Source Futures #6: Social and Demographics

Open Source Futures di Eddie Choo

Note sull'episodio

Covering social and demographics - as STEEP bucket and how to use it in scenarios


  • Foundation of a country

  • Age structure and economic growth

  • Application for geopolitics:

    • China is ageing and needs resources to care, might become difficult to grow quickly

    • US can depend on immigration, but not always - with the Trump Admin interruption

    • EU is tricky - immigration is now weaponised

  • China-boosters claiming rapid growth looks like a really tall order

    • Needs to change culture and society radically

  • Demographics is an example of a pre-determined trend

Uncertainty and Impactful

  • Social ideologies are impact but highly uncertain

  • Analysts must avoid ... 

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Parole chiave
politicsscenario planningsocialdemographicsimmigration